Quarantine Questions

Monday April 20th
What happened today that gave you hope? What made you more anxious? What made you afraid? Were these examples you witnessed in person, in the news or on social media?
Today I got to FaceTime with my friends that I haven't seen in about two years.  This brought me a lot of joy and honestly hope as well. It helps me to stay calm and hopeful when I stay connected with people that are close to me!  Also, I make sure to write down what I am grateful for every day so that I stay in the moment and make sure to remind myself of the good that I have experienced during this crazy time.  This helps me to not become anxious or afraid rather thankful and joyful for what I have been blessed with:)

Wednesday April 23th
Name one thing you make sure to do that makes you happy, hopeful, more relaxed.
I make sure to workout every day.  This has helped me to stay motivated and happy.  I want to continue to stay productive and maintain a schedule during this time of quarantine.  Working out makes me feel better both physically and mentally and starts my off on the right foot:). Also, HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!

Friday April 24th
How, if at all, has your relationship with nature changed?
I have definitely appreciated nature so much more since being quarantined.  I make sure to take a walk everyday and doing so really helps to clear my head and just feel better overall.  Since we can’t go many places it is so important for me to just take at least five minutes outside each day. I have also been so thankful for the amount of sun that we have gotten since being inside our homes for the past month or so.  It is usually pretty cloudy and rainy during these months but the sun completely changes how I feel!


  1. I totally agree that nature is a huge part of my life right now and it is changing my mood every time I step outside. I also love those pictures! Did you take them yourself because those are so sick!


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