Do you strive to understand others and what they are going through or are you quick to judge them based off of stereotypes or assumptions? I think we can all be guilty of doing both of these things at one time or another throughout our lives. It is extremely important to try and understand other people’s point of view because we don't fully know what they are going through until we truly listen to their story. Coates says, “I didn't always have things but I had people.” (88) We all desire to have connections and to know that we aren't alone in what we are feeling, who we are, or what we are going through. We have access to a lot in this day in age and one of the main things that we have access to today is social media. Social media is a huge part of our generation and the way we communicate with others. Human connection is something we all desire to have and social media causes us to lose sight of the little things that make a huge impact on us....